Are you saying that because Tom made a wild comparison,
its fine if you do it?  Didn't your momma ever tell you that just
because somebody else does it, doesn't mean that it's OK
for you to do it?  :))

Turning a little more serious again, while Tom may just possibly
be a wee bit extreme in comparing the Zune Dec 31 problem to
a crashing jumbo jet, one of the articles I read reported on a DJ
who uses his Zune for his engagements and lost the use of it on
what was quite possibly his biggest gig of the year.  It's not quite
a jumbo jet crashing, but it certainly was a major PITA for some

Isn't this a big stretch, comparing the somewhat routine operation of
serving product activation keys with Apple's launch of a brand new,
fairly sophisticated product

You mean like equating temporarily hung MP3 players to crashing jumbo jets
and collapsing bridges? :)

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