>So what happens when we crank up the word size to 24 bits,
>increase the sampling frequency to 96 kHz, and send the PCM
>signal to a high end DAC?  Assuming an excellent recording
>(and even with this technology it's possible to screw the pooch
>on the engineering and mastering), we get a MUCH better
>result.  HD audio, in fact.  Yes the file sizes are big, but not
>that different from normal WAV files.  And they work with
>WMP and a decent DAC, so are more accessible than a
>SACD device (and cheaper, too).

The marketing strategy is to dribble out new technology as slowly as 
possible. After a sufficient number of MPs have been sold, we will see an 
aggressive marketing campaign to convince us that all our MS3s are crap 
and we have to go out and repurchase all our music in the new HD format.

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