The built-in Windows firewall suffices for 95% of users. Just turn _it_ on.

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 3:38 PM, RLeeSimon <> wrote:
> I have a new Linksys Router with, of course, their built in firewall.
> BEHIND it is my desktop computer.  Also, I use my laptop to it wirelessly.
> WPA encryption is enabled.  Do I need a software firewall at all ?  I have
> PCToolsPro on my desktop computer which causes some misery.  I have
> ZoneAlarm on my laptop which causes some more misery.  My internet
> connection sharing worked ok but my network would not do fileshare or much
> else with all that going.  With it shut off, bingo, everything works!  Am I
> ok this way or what?  If not, why?  TIA!!

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