>Supposedly, 3D headphones work by exaggerating the interference
>patterns you naturally hear by having sounds from a source reach
>each ear at different times.  To me, this sounds more like producing
>a hyper-realistic sensation than contributing much in the way of
>extra information.  Everyone's sensory experience is interpreted,
>and there are experiments galore that show that what we "hear"
>depends an awful lot on our expectations and visual cues.  So it
>could be for example that in your game you "hear" someone
>sneaking up behind you because you don't see them on the screen.

Please read the Wikipedia article on "sound_localization" before joining 
this discussion. This is the Computer Guys, not the Psychic Friends 

The limiting factor is that we have 2 ears and with headphones the 
location of the ears and the sound source is fixed. All timing 
differences can do is simulate a 2D 360-degree field. To get 3D something 
else has to happen and it can't happen because the headphones are clamped 
to your head, thus in fixed position relative to your ears.

So you get 2D: N, S, E, W, NE, NW, etc., but no up and down (no 3D).

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