The whole point of binauraul theory is that you don't necessarily need
speakers in the floor to fool the ear into thinking the sound is
coming from there.

A single speaker, a mono sound source - think old time radio - is a
single dimension (1D). Add a second sound source and you have added a
dimension - 2D. Add enough sources to fool the ears into hearing
360X360 degree sound, and we add several dimensions (3D, 5.1, 7.1,

We can debate how many point sources are required to do this, but
recent technology is doing very well. Just try switching on and off
the 3D sound in a media player.

On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Chris Dunford <> wrote:
>> You may technically be correct, but the problem comes when you include
>> mono sound. You've jumped straight to stereo (2 channels) and declared
>> it to be "1D". If so, then what do you call mono sound?
> Interesting question. When using headphones, mono sound appears to originate
> from a point inside your head. A point has no dimensions, so I guess I'd
> call it 0D. :)
> I think it works. Stereo sound appears to be placed along a line from left
> to right; lines have one dimension. Surround sound appears to be placed on a
> plane with you at the center point; planes have two dimensions. "3D" would
> have to place the sound anywhere inside a cube or sphere with you at the
> center.
> Eric is right when he says that with multichannel sound you can hear bad
> guys sneaking up on you from behind. But what we don't have is sound that
> allows you to hear bad guys dropping down on you from the level above. I
> don't think this is technically impossible; we just don't have enough
> channels. And putting speakers in the floor might be iffy. :)

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