>You may technically be correct, but the problem comes when you include
>mono sound. You've jumped straight to stereo (2 channels) and declared
>it to be "1D". If so, then what do you call mono sound?

Mono sound comes from (an idealized) single point source, infinitely 
small. A single point in space is properly called zero dimensions: 0-D. 
They taught me that on the first day of class.

Lets look at the other end of it. Throw away the headphones and add sound 
sources to the room for up and down. Use the same timing tricks to create 
a sound field that localizes sounds vertically. Do you call this 4-D, 
clearly not. That is 3-D.
Mono = 0-D
Stereo = 1-D
5.1 and variations = 2-D

You can get 2-D with headphones because the sound sent to each ear can be 
timed to localize the sound at any angle and distance in the 360-degree 
plane (2-D). In fact, headphones are a great way to do this because you 
get complete control over the position of the sound source relative to 
the ear. In a room this may not work well if you sit in a bad place 
relative to the sound emitters.

Can you get 3-D with headphones? Yes, but not with the headphones we are 
discussing. To get 3-D the headphones would need to measure the angle of 
the head and send that back to the computer. The computer would them 
process the sound to simulate what happens when one cocks one head. By 
putting one ear higher than the other you create tiny timing differences 
that can be used to estimate up and down. This only works when the sound 
lasts long enough so you can gets its position with your head straight 
and then again with your head at an angle. Gamers probably don't have the 
patience for this.

>I agree it's kind of odd the marketers call it "3D sound" when in fact
>no attempt has yet been made to reproduce sounds coming from above and

That's the point. Some folks will swallow marketing blather 
indescriminately. 3-D headphones. iPod killers. Windows 7 is double plus 
good. This is marketing crap.

I'm thinking this 2-D vs. 3-D thread is just a WFB vendetta because I'm 
not sufficiently worshipful of MS marketing crap.

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