On Sat, 17 Jan 2009 16:07:16 -0500, Wayne Dernoncourt wrote:

>Tony B
>> Wild first guess - you _are_ using IE? ActiveX only works
>> in IE. And there should be a blocking notice you'll have
>> to manually approve. Install IE7 (if applicable) and try
>> again.
>Tom seemed to indicate lack of Mac support seemed to be a
>reason to not consider Garmin.  None of the manufacturers
>seem to go out of there way to support the Mac.  Very sad.

Actually, I think Tom was saying that Garmin forcing you to use Active
X is a Bad Thing. And I'd have to ag. . . agre. . . Ohh, I just can't
say it.

I refuse to let IE loose on the Internet. So I guess I shouldn't buy a
Garmin product--or at least, not try to register it.


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