> I don't think reports of this fast-spreading worm were "dubious."

You paste in a quote and then insist that it says something that it doesn't
say. It said that the calculation of the number of infections is dubious.
That is NOT the same as saying that the worm doesn't exist.

It is a huge step from anything you quote to "Didn't our WFBs already inform
us last week that this was nothing to worry about and the 9,000,000 infected
PCs I mentioned were just a hallucination generated by my intolerance of
defective operating systems?"

> I don't think it spreads because people "intentionally disabled these
> security components." There are multiple routes of attack.

In the case of Vista, that is exactly how it spreads. Vista out of the box
is not vulnerable to this attack. You have to turn stuff off.

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