If I understand it correctly. The copyright law has changes so that anything you produce is automatically afforded copyright protection.

If you so choose you can then give folks the right to copy anything you have produced.

However if they do not ask your permission first and it is granted it is automatically considered a violation of the DMCA.

How you want to enforce it is then your call.


At 10:57 AM 1/22/2009, you wrote:
That's one heck of an assumption. Couldn't you at least *ask* her
first if it's a movie with copy protection before you assume she's
some kind of criminal?

We produce thousands of 'movie DVD's' a year, none of which are copy
protected. We understand people can and do copy them; our only choice
is to sell copies cheap enough that they would rather just buy them
from us than go to the hassle.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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