Tom Piwowar
>>Okay, Tom, it's time to take off the Apple-colored
>>glasses. . .  Post a link to the ad that people are
>>saying they're "just a generic PC".

> I saw it on and later on network TV.
> There was a good amount of press about how it was
> replacing the terrible Seinfeld ads.  Have you
> erased that from your brain? Do you remember the
> sorry Gates-Seinfeld ads?

What news shows ran stories about the MS ads?  Did they
compare the MS ads to the Mac-PC ads?  I thought the
MS ads were the target of lots of criticism.  The info
I get from Leo Laporte says that Windows Vista wasn't
bad in itself, the user experience was bad because of
some stupid design decisions (supposedly they made parts
(the UAC??) of it deliberately annoying, I no longer
remember the reasoning), but it was better on security,
etc.  The part that everyone remembered though was the
really annoying part and skipped everything else that
was really good (from a security standpoint).

One set of rumors has Win7 running on a netbook - time
will tell.

Take care  | This clown speaks for himself, his job doesn't
Wayne D.   | supply this, at least not directly
I've never seen so damn many Indians.  --G.A. Custer

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