>Yeah, but it's a document; PDF was made for documents. We don't know if it
>needs to be edited or not.

That's right, but from that point you veer into wrongness.

A scanned image is a bunch of pixels, a raster image. The basic file 
format for this is TIFF. You can compress the TIFF with something like 
lossless LZW, or for extreme compression use a lossy format, usually JPEG.

PDF is a vector format derived from PostScript. If you had the original 
document file, not a scan, then saving it into PDF would be a good idea. 
The PDF would contain the font information, the text (coded as ASCII or 
UTF), and geometry infomation about how the text is positioned on the 

While a PDF can contain another file format, like TIFF or JPEG, you are 
not accomplishing anything useful by doing that. You are just wrapping 
one file format around a different file format. Double wrapping may be 
good for the freezer, but for digital data it accomplishes nothing useful.

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