b_s-wilk wrote:
 I don't shop at Sam's club, since it's owned by evil trolls.

Please elucidate.

Sam's Club is owned by Walmart. Since Sam Walton died Walmart has been the epitome of a bad neighbor. They get tax breaks from local communities, often paying no local tax, sell products below cost until the competition goes out of business, mislabel products as 'made in US' when they're imported [not from US territories either], make employees work off the clock, fire employees who want to have a union, and underpay their employees so badly that many have to apply for food stamps and state health care programs.

Worst, the Waltons, Alice Walton in particular, has been spending $millions for lobbying to repeal the estate tax so they can keep all of their +$80 billions and not pay for the resources that gave Sam Walton the opportunity to build his company in the first place.

Sorry, Stewart, et al, that you don't have choices where you live. Sometimes we don't either.

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