Steve at Verizon wrote:

I think you are misusing the term neocon. Most of what you disagree with the right on are conservative principles, such as minimal government.

Neocons are a special breed of folks, who used to be liberal, but switched to being conservative (hence the "neo") primarily for foreign relations concerns. Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle are primary examples of neocons. Ain't anything "neo" about Cheney or Bush; always been conservative. (Actually, many conservatives don't count Bush, with his out of control spending, huge Medicare drug program, liberal immigration policy, TARP, etc.)

If you just want to be pejorative, then just refer to those mean and nasty conservatives.
I think you are being pretty accurate about the neocons. Here is a very good article about the start of the neocon policies with Scoop Jackson in the 70s:

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