But I think you're wrong about classic IMAP. Those emails are in YOUR
account at your host, but "the cloud" is bigger than that. When we
store files on a host, we accept the responsibility of backing up
those files ourselves. Cloud Computing is not a new concept, but it's
a new paradigm that will take some getting used to.

The "Cloud" is a very old paradigm that keeps returning, like acid reflux. When you store your email on a host site, it is backed up [or should be] by that host by whatever means they deem most efficient, at multiple locations, clouded, or whatever. And if you're lucky you can get your archive when you need it.

To rely on the "cloud" exclusively is a bad idea unless you can absolutely be guaranteed multiple redundancies when [not if] they crash or disappear, and 24/7 accessibility. If I used the "cloud" for email over the many years I've been online, I would have lost thousands of messages due to dead services--ISP and otherwise.

Did GMail crash this morning along with Google?

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