It implies that necessity is the highest principle, that is what is wrong with it.

If all a human deserved is what they need, what is the motivation for the human animal to produce more than they need if they will be prevented by government from keeping it?

Christian theology as I recall says we should freely care for the poor, not that the kings soldiers should carry off the livestock to feed the poor.

You seem to dismiss the concept of charity or confuse it with the force of government.


On Feb 1, 2009, at 1:57 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

Marx's slogan: From each according to his ability, to each according to
his need.

The cons and neocons seem to believe that invoking the name of Marx
somehow washes away the possibility of any sensible thought. Just stamp
"Marxist" on anthing and everything they don't like and they think the
matter is settled.

It is highly unlikely that 100% of what Marx said or wrote is evil. Take the quote above. What's wrong with it? About the worst one can say about
it is that it is unrealisticly hopeful about the soul of mankind. What
would Jesus say? Was Jesus a Marxist? Why don't our cons start stamping
ideals with the term "Christian" before they rail against them?

(With apologies to all non-Christians. Being inclusive would have made
the above argument harder to follow.)

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