> You need to drop the platitudes and snark and make a logical  
> argument.  If what labor produces does not belong to labor, to whom  
> does it belong?

Here we are back at the lessons of kindergarden. Red faced, with nostrils 
flaring, nobody but nobody is going to touch "your" toys.

Ok, let's break it down logically. What are the factors of production and 
who supplied them?

Your body was supplied by God. If you reject God, then your parents and 
their parents, ad infinitum.

The knowledge to use your body productively came from school, mostly 
supplied by government.

The safe environment surrounding your body, mostly supplied by 
government. You paid for your shirt and house, but civilization made it 
possible for you to buy them.

The social system in which you could exercise and benefit from your work, 
supplied by civilization.

The money you so greedily want to hold on to, supplied by government.

The force to keep somebody bigger than you from taking away all your 
money, supplied by government.

You know, now that I think about it logiclly, you are holding on to way 
too much of the profits. Looks to me like your share will be well under 5 

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