As I've said before (but not recently), I get the list in digest form
and have to paste in the subject line manually.  Sometimes
I forget.  I apologize for doing it again (as I have apologized
for doing it previously).

It would be horribly distracting for me to get each posting as
it comes in, particularly with the current discussion raging on
spouting bad economic arguments that are painful for me to
read.  Hence, the digest.  Anyone else feeling the same way
about that discussion may want to consider switching to digest
for a while, and just scroll past the nonsense at their own
convenience.  There are so many postings, the digest is arriving
quite frequently, so using it won't put you very much out of sync.

Good answer. Terrible subject line.

Especially now, as the thread that ate the CGUYS list continues, it is important to have the correct subject line on replies.

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