I agree. This thread will die soon. But joining this group was in direct response to an absolute hate of the Kartel, another group of list owners I and others used to term the Kartel Nazi's. One word or subject out of bounds would cause suspension or banning. It got to the point you felt the need to have every email post approved before posting. Or else suffer the consequences. This off topic stuff pops up more often then not, simply due to not changing subject lines. However, I don't see it as a bad thing. It's a good distraction after dealing with the frustrations of this that or the other thing in the computer world.

Jeff M

On Feb 3, 2009, at 12:57 PM, Tom Piwowar wrote:

We used to have an off-topic list (a separate Linux list, too).
Whatever happened to that?

These got very little use and are now gone. I bet our politics thread
will be gone soon too.

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