On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 5:52 PM, Tom Piwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:
> One of my first posts likened tax cuts to spreading money around
> randomly, with no purpose.

Not to worry Tom, I'm sure that Obama will soon appoint an economy
czar, who will determine what the correct number of turnips, tractors
and sturdy women's undergarments that should be produced next year.
We can't have money wandering around the economy with no purpose, now
can we?  People might blow their paychecks on pedicures or baby
strollers or power tools and god knows that won't be of any help.

People just need to be shown that what they need or want to spend
their money on isn't how their betters think it should be spent.
There are faddish special interests, under-stimulated constituents
back home and well-connected donors that need our pork-laden help!

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