At 05:59 PM 2/2/2009, you wrote:
Choosing Gold over God is a good indicator of avarice.

I would agree wholeheartedly.  Luther once said you God is where your gold is.

That's right we don't have good governance today. Due to the excessive
influence of the cons/noecons the public sector is starved. This morning
NPR reported that 20 years ago the US spent 7 percent of GNP on
infrastructure, now it is just 4 percent. That's why roads and bridges
are crumbling and water main breaks are a daily occurance.

That decline did not just happen over the past 20 years. A lot of the expansion during the Clinton years was not in infrastructure!!! The Bridge in Minneapolis/St. Paul was a result of LONG TERM neglect during both Democratic and Republican administrations. We have been trying to do more with less for a long time.

>Voluntary associations.  You must have heard of them?  You know,
>voluntary fire companies, service organizations, the Boy Scouts, etc.,
>etc..  All run better and leaner than government.

That is simply bullshit. A fantasy you perpetuate to justy cupidity.

Depends on where you live Tom. Many rural areas have some of the best volunteer Fire and rescue departments all funded out of volunteer hours and dollars. I would not want it on a national model, but I think more volunteerism would be for the better. If it were not for the National Guard and Reserves Americas defenses would not be what it is today. In the Air Force and Army they play an important and integral part, and a lot of their time is not paid!!!! Now I would not want a whole military of part-time/volunteer folks. It is best if it is done in tandem. (Oh by the way you get more bang for your buck with the Reserves/Guard. Studies have proven it.)

Ask Kentucky what they would do if they did not have their National Guard available to do some of the work right now??? Oh when the Governor calls them up, they are paid by State Bucks, not Federal.


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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