Well this can be said in both directions, I don't see many of my liberal
friends who populate the Kos and MM and Huffington post spending much time
at conservative blogs...these blogs are just lying liars who lie.  Very open
minded.  Generally speaking most people gavitate towards views they already
hold, it's disconcerting to spend time challanging ones own views, this is a
human trait, not a left or right wing one.

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 7:47 AM, Jordan <jor17...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you Chris,
> Unless a person is actually broadminded, curious, or both, they won't look
> at a site like MM and see for them selves what we are talking about. If they
> are not broadminded or curious they'll resort to knee jerk responses and
> never look or understand, no matter how many times you tell them.
> By the way, there's a new article on Kos documenting how the right
> manipulates the media and scares the public in just the way we are talking
> about here.
> http://tinyurl.com/ahv9vz

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