I am the same way.  I fiddlefart with a lot of computer stuff.

Recently my son brought me his old Toshiba Laptop and as soon as I booted it up, it said you might be a victim. I checked to see what he had done, and he had not installed the appropriate key for his laptop. (Printed on the base of the unit.)

All I needed was the correct disk to install and give it the right key number to get it activated again.

I am given a lot of old systems, that have Key numbers on them. I get these back up and running. (Usually bad Hard Drives and they want to upgrade anyway so I slap a new HD in them and get it running again.)

They no longer have the disks etc. It is a pain to load Windows XP SP1 in them because you have ti run each SP package separately and then wait for it to download all the upgrades etc.

I will be looking at the link to see who to slipsteream.


At 10:03 AM 2/20/2009, you wrote:
I have avoided slipstreaming until now... quite involved to produce one, and it only works for one of dozens of target configurations. Mark Minasi mentioned that he could download slipstreamed versions (each SP release), and that caught my attention. Well, I am not a VIP, so I guess I will resort to making my own slipstreams. Maybe with the VLite, it will be easier (but it only works with Vista).

Thanks for the Microsoft Store link, but my objective is to obtain only the
binaries, not the keys, since most of the machines I repair already have a
license (sans disc).

 - Brian

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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