Are we using HD and digital transmission (instead of analog) as same or
different things, in terms or radio/stereo receivers?  I liked my Denon,
too, but it is starting to fail...  Aren't radio transmitters going to
digital transmission, the way TV is now?  Any incentive for them to it
later rather than sooner?

Thank you,

Mark Snyder

-----Original Message-----

>I haven't bought a receiver since the 90s and worry that the time may 
>be coming when I need to look into this.

Me too, but I have yet to find a radio that is as well made as the
20-year-old Yamaha I own. Yamaha still makes radios, but nothing like
what I have. Plus I would not buy a new radio that did not include HD
and Internet streaming. Put all those needs together and there is
nothing available.

I have read and spoken to owners who tell me that HD radios have poor
reception. Radios that stream tend to be odd and a bit expensive. Amd my
recent experiences with shopping for an MP3 player with speakers has got
me shy about buying.

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