Thanks to everyone who replied to this thread. Both the typing "su" in the terminal and using the "Add/Remove Software" function worked! Those will be big helps in the future. I, however, was not able to log on as "root" but this doesn't matter since I could do it the other ways. Look forward to more newbie questions.


Vicky Staubly wrote:
Actually, was the first way you tried the "System" menu, "Administration", "Add / Remove Software"? I just tried that myself, typed "galeon" into the search field, waited while it searched the online repoisitories, click the
check-box when it appears, and click "Apply". It will prompt you for the
root password when it gets to the actual installation part.

On Sun, 1 Mar 2009, Vicky Staubly wrote:
On Sun, 1 Mar 2009, Stephen Brownfield wrote:
I am running Fedora 10. I went to download another browser, Galeon. It stated that "Galeon is part of Fedora Extras, the community-driven part of Fedora. To install, simply type: yum install galeon." I went to terminal and typed: "yum install galeon." I was told that I did not have privileges to do that. I know my root user password, but how do I identify myself as the root user when using the terminal. Root user is not one of the choices when I log on. What should I do?

To do something as root, from a terminal window, you can do that 2 ways:
            <--- "su" will ask you for the root password
    yum install galeon
    exit    <--- this will quit being root and go back to being you
    sudo yum install root
        <--- "sudo" will ask you for the root password

To log in as root from the login screen, try selecting the "other"
option... I believe it will let you type in the username (in this
case "root").

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