Which brings up the capacity issue. I liked your site... was interested in the guineas and the tractors ... but had a hard time changing pages because of the long latency...

When you visit your site, you are probably seeing cached pages speedily but the rest of us have to wait ...


Mike Sloane wrote:
I just found out that Yahoo is closing down Geocities (where I have my Website <www.geocities.com/mikesloane>). The big advantage to me of Geocities is that it is *free*. Does anyone have a suggestion for something comparable at the same price? I don't need technical support, just some minimal space and some bandwidth so people can get to the site.


C Ballinger wrote:
I have several sites and domains with MacHighway. They're in Colorado, answer their own phones, and have always made things perfect. No snafus.

They resell enom. The value they bring is huge. Their prices are not. I'd even call them cheap. I moved my accounts from 1&1 and have been thrilled with their service.

One of three people always answer the phone within 30 seconds. Then they solve it without transfering you around. Amazing this day and age I think.


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