Quoting "Roger D. Parish" <rogerd.par...@gmail.com>:

At 7:39 AM -0400 3/10/09, Jeff Wright wrote:

I've read that you shouldn't defrag an SSD because A) it doesn't actually do
any good, and B) it actually reduces the lifespan of the drive since SSD's
have a finite read/write lifespan.  No idea if B is actually true, but I've
read it enough times to lead me to believe that it is.

I've heard/read that SSD's (even thumb drives) actually randomize the
physical location of written data in order to "spread out" the writing,
so a  given memory cell doesn't wear out before any other. Seems like

And it actually seems kind of pointless. Defragging a spinning disk keeps the heads from thrashing all over the place finding bits and pieces of files, but with an SSD, it's just as much effort to pick up the bits anywhere on the "disk".

I can't imagine that it would speed things up that much.

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