>conform to the EU dictates

Watch your language and tone down the propaganda please! 

These are democratically elected governments working to protect their 
citizens from the ravages of a predatory monopolist. They do not 
"dictate" they enforce the laws.

>It's suspected this is being done to head off the anti-trust pinheads in 
>the EU.

I'm sure Madoff thought the regulators at the SEC were "pinheads" too. MS 
was found guilty in US Federal court and necessary remedies were squashed 
by an administration that preferred illegitimate profits over law and 
order. The governments of the EU did for follow this same corrupt path. 
They are not "pinheads" they are heroes.

If the US had not been run by corrupt leaders for the last 8 years the 
current economic crash would not have happened. We are now suffering the 
consequences of their malfeasance.

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