> I can't say I have ever heard anyone who prefers MS's latest offerings
> over their earlier ones.... other than the security aspects.    Many
> people put up with them ... but that's about it.

OK, so what you have is from your own experience only, and exclusively with
people who used older versions. You don't have any data to back up your
claim that "the public" thinks Office 2007 is confusing, bloated, and slow,
which is what I wanted to know.

One other point is that, from what you said, you have little or no
experience with what new users, starting fresh with 2007, think. It's
possible that the ribbon interface is far more intuitive and easier to use
for them--your experience doesn't appear to provide that perspective.

> don't demand that everyone else just doesn't know what they 
> like... or what works best for them.

Looked over my messages, did not find any demand like that.

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