That shows you how to turn off indexing, on my xp installs I didn't think
indexing was on, I had to switch it on.


On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 2:33 AM, Fred Holmes <> wrote:

> If I understand things correctly, all of these marvelous new ways of
> keeping track of data files requires indexing the files.  And the index is a
> weak point for a hacker break-in to find exactly what he is looking for on
> your computer.  I'd like to have the option of turning off _all_ indexing on
> my computer.  One of the things that infuriates me about WinXP is that
> whenever I plug in an external hard drive, XP proceeds to index it
> immediately, and wants to do something "automatic" (e.g., play the music,
> put it on a playlist somewhere, etc.) with it.  I want to turn off all of
> that automation -- such automation is just one more way for hackers to do
> something malicious.
> Fred Holmes
> At 11:48 PM 3/26/2009, mike wrote:
> >I understood libraries couldn't do more then aggregate folders not file
> >types?  So when I open the Pictures library, it opens all files in any of
> >the attached folders to the library?
> >I've wanted Apple's smart folders on windows since Apple put that feature
> in
> >OS X...wonderful tool for those of us who think these expensive complex
> >machines should keep better track of files.
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