> > > > Seriously, this is funnier than Monty Python's old Ministry of
> > > > Arguments sketch.
> > >
> > > No, it isn't!
> > >
> > Yes, it is.
> Oh look, this isn't an argument.

It occurred to me last night that there's another Python bit that's even
more on point than the argument sketch. 

I'm thinking of Holy Grail, where the questers ask the French, "Who will
join us in our quest for the Holy Grail?"  John Cleese, in his ridiculous
French accent, leans over the castle wall and responds that they already
have one, then bends down to his confreres and says, "I told them we already
had one!" and they all start laughing.

I have a vision of Tom leaning over to whomever it is that he leans over to
and saying, "I told them Lauren should've gotten an iMac to take to class!",
followed by everyone clutching their sides and dissolving in gales of

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