> I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned that the xbox 
> history of build quality isn't something to be desired 
> also.  I was in a best buy around the first xbox release 
> and both customer trial units had red rings of
> death.

There was an issue with a custom IC that failed in the early boxes. MS
switched to a different IC and fixed every box for nothing, whether it was
in warranty or not. I wouldn't call that a "history". But now Tom will...

(Incidentally, compare MS's response with Sony's, which refused to do what
MS did when under-engineered PS2 DVD drives failed en masse. They charged
$129.95 to fix any unit more than 90 days old, thereby making additional
profit for each failure. Ours failed on the 91st day. They eventually
settled a class action suit at $25 or a free game per affected user. Thanks
a lot.)

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