The problem I see with CR is that they have two completely different approaches to products. One approach is to stress test products in a controlled laboratory environment, while the other is to have "reviewers" just play with products and report on how they liked/disliked them. If you want to find out which house paint holds up the best, CR will give you the results of their exhaustive testing. n the other hand, if you want to find out which Merlot or Chardonnay is best, maybe you should check out "Food & Wine Magazine". On that note, I put personal computers and software in the latter category.

But I have to say that getting unbiased reviews of ANY product is a very difficult challenge, whether it be entertainment, computing, autos, photography, or even breakfast cereal. So much of the valuation of these things is a personal experience that finding universal objective measurements is close to impossible.

My own approach is to try to get a sampling of various opinions and try to determine which come closest to the way I would value that product or service. For instance, I almost never change the stations on my car radio, so a complaint that the controls are difficult to operate is meaningless to me, but they could be very critical to someone who fiddles with his/her car audio constantly.


Tom Piwowar wrote:
They have a bias that can be seen pretty easily. (Ask Tom about their reviews and recommendations on Computers)

I think it only rational to evaluate CR based on how they rate things I do know a lot about (yes, computers). In this area their bias has been so blatent that it throws into question everything they do. I have seen them print survey statistics and then in the text state the exact opposite of what the statistics showed. I wonder about their overall quality control if they let one group of reviewers run so far amuck for so many years without getting caught. I wonder how much support they get from the Gates Foundation. Based on what I do know is true I would not trust CR's recommendations on anything.

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