On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 10:12 AM, Tom Piwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> >I think you are using that Apple math where everything costs more.  The
> >wind can be picked up for less then 320, add in a used copy of OS X for
> say
> >100 bux? Now you are looking at less then 450.  I know you like to pay
> that
> >premium so you can still spend 300 more if you want.
> Sorry, I used the price quoted in the story you provided. Is there
> anything else in the story I should ignore?
> So I'm looking to spend $450 on a computer configuration that is not
> supported by the OS or hardware vendor, may or may not work correctly,
> may or may not be upgradeable, may or may not accept security upgrades,
> etc.

Windows users are used to this.  These are the risks you get trying to run
Windows on anything.   It could be worth the risks to run an OS that is less
vulnerable or at least less targeted.

> I am puzzled. Do WFBs value cheap so much that they totally ignore any
> risk factor. As I said earlier, if you are so immune to risk, why not
> just go out and steal a Mac?
Part of this is the unwillingness of Apple to fill this niche and the good
olde hacker ethic of trying to do something to see if it can be done. Some
people find it amusing.   I doubt that the shrink wrap license is
enforceable in a illegal sense.

John Duncan Yoyo

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