No gay bashing was intended.
I think what they were referring to was Franks refusal to allow
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac come under some sort of supervision a
number of years ago that may have tempered some of the problems.
No one is guiltless here. Does he work in Washington? If so then he
is guilty.
At 01:25 PM 4/15/2009, you wrote:
You really do live in an alternate reality. Rep. Frank is a very smart
and talented legislator who is working very hard to work the USA out of
the mess the wing-nuts put us in. For many years his was a lonely voice
speaking truth to power. His constituents re-elect him time and time
HOWEVER, what does gay bashing and general hate mongering have to do with
Please keep this on topic.
Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL SL 82
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