I have a Nikon Coolpix 5700. I still like to use a viewfinder most of the time, but one of the very cool things about this Nikon is that the display folds out and swivels like a camcorder display. This allows the user to hold the camera at the waist or where ever and view the display. This camera is aging a bit as digital cameras go, it's slow compared to newer cameras. But the fold out viewer, raw capability, video capability, good picture quality, and general quality, make it the only still type camera I use.

phartz...@gmail.com wrote:
  Digital camera folks!  Which manner of "viewfinding" do you use
and/or prefer?  Camera held out in front of you at arms length as you
stand or walk about looking like a zombie, or to use the actual
viewfinder if your camera has one?

  I'm a viewfinder person myself if for no other reason than any
camera is hard to hold steady when held at arms length.


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