Thanks, Tom! Progress so far: WETA comes in fine. But lots of other channels that we previously received do not come in at all. & so far as channels 101 through 200 go, most don't come through, and the ones that do are mostly "pixelated." The next thing we have to do is check the signal to the house to be sure that's not the problem. Then the various connections within the house. Then we may just decide to ditch Comcast completely and start over with something else. Very, very time consuming, and very frustrating too.

Mical Wimoth Carton

Subject: Re: OT: Cable vs. HD boxes

Now: There was a bit of discussion about "digital" versus "hd"
channels. I totally do not understand the difference. Apparently the
Comcast Cable box will receive digital channels, and these will be
disappearing from boxes that only receive analog signals as stations
switch to (Digital? / HD?). I'm very confused by this, as is my
husband. Any, and all, explanations will be appreciated.

When you get your digital up and running you will discover that different
programs are broadcast at different resolutions. Some are SD, some HD,
some something in between. The are all digital, but only some are HD.

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