> Betty how familiar are you with a Netbook?

My son has one it runs just about everything I can run on my Dell full size.

They are very versatile and work very well.

I tried one of the early netbooks in Europe. They were excellent. I'm very disappointed at the merely crippled small cheap notebooks that pass as netbooks now. Tried several. I wouldn't recommend them. They're not much more portable than a smaller notebook and less versatile than the original netbooks two years ago.

Most of all, they don't fit in my cargo pocket, therefore they're kind of pointless for traveling light. I'd rather carry either my MacBook or iPod Touch or Nokia E- or N-series smart phone, which are more useful to me. Yes, Apple has spoiled me. So has Nokia, for its quality devices.

For an Internet device, the cheap netbooks are OK, but the $1200-$4000 original netbooks were superb by comparison. Cheap and small hardly compares to quality and small. You gets what you pays for!

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