Or they don't think that it *has* to be expensive to be quality and useful.

I'm glad to see you think you know all americans so well.

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 11:35 AM, b_s-wilk <b1sun...@yahoo.es> wrote:

> That's right. Americans don't like to pay for quality, so they buy cheap
> little notebooks that don't do much and have keyboards that aren't much
> better than the smaller, more powerful devices. I'd rather save up and buy a
> quality device, quality bicycle, quality car, quality SW, quality anything
> than settle for the cheapest alternative.
> Most people don't care or don't want to wait until they can afford
> something better. Most don't need more than an Internet device and basic
> word processing anyway. With Linux, they're somewhat better. Therefore the
> new netbooks are popular. I simply wouldn't recommend any to someone who's
> traveling for business or research.
>  The ones you are talking about never took off as they were as expensive as
>> a full size Laptop and people would not spend the money for them.
>> The newer netbooks save money by using a smaller sized LCD and also a less
>> expensive (plus power saving) processor that Intel came out with.
>> The ones that fit into a cargo pocket just never took off.
>> Do not equate cheap with junk.
>> For what she asked for it fit the criteria.
>> Smartphones are OK but they are not mini notebooks, and their keyboards
>> are too cramped to get serious work done.
>> The Netbooks fit the middle ground.  Their battery life is better than
>> notebooks, and not as good as smartphones/pda's.
>> They fit a niche and a need.
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