Hello all:
Having been on both the development side (creating databases) and the client 
side, I've never been able to identify a reliable software/application 
development tracking tool. I've used an excel spreadsheet, and I tried 
developing a tool from scratch in MS Access. The latter works, ok, but it is 
still a bit unwieldy.
With what I created, I converted an RFP into sections that I can identify as 
active or completed. Then I can append notes to those development components. 
When I print a status report, it prints the development components with their 
status, and the notes that go with them. However, there are strange quirks that 
come, like some of the notes are repeated (despite engaging in the intuitive 
tweaking). Is anyone using something off-the-shelf, to achieve these same 
objectives? If I tried to build the same thing from scratch from Filemaker, 
would have been easier?
I'm about to take a new job that will require doing more of this.....
I'd be willing to share what I created with anyone who's interested...again 
because it is marginally helpful--and for those of you who tinker, you might 
find it a launching off point for something else better crafted.
Thanks, Arnold


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