Insert the scanned forms into an AppleWorks Draw document, lock then in place, then put text on top of the form.

I wanted to do just that in NeoOffice, but it became complicated, and I wanted to get the job done quickly, so I went back to AppleWorks.

On May 26, 2009, at 3:18 PM, db wrote:

A long time ago, I had some OCR software that would allow me to insert fields and computer text into paper forms that I acquired with my scanner so that I didn't have to fill in the forms by hand but could copy and paste from text I already have..

I don't have that software anymore. Can anyone recommend software that has that capability? I have a one off use for such and don't want to invest in one of the expensive OCR packages so am hoping to find freeware or shareware.

(I don't believe my MS Office 2003 has such a capability ...?)


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