Ah! Of course, the biggest problem with this use would be the slow
frame rates the event was likely shot at (or rendered to later).
Although some HD can go up to 60fps, many common web video formats
drop that to only 15fps, which should leave little but a blur on
faster athletics, no matter how much you slowed it down.

Still, no question reviewing sporting events would be a valid use for
special effects like forward and reverse slo-mo.

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Stephen Brownfield
<steveei...@verizon.net> wrote:
> For the record my wife is a competitive athlete (her hobby).  She likes to
> study videos to see not only what she is doing right or wrong, but also how
> those who are better than her do it.  We may be talking about what happens
> in a less than a second, slow-motion is needed for this.

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