Limited personal testing for months...proves you know a lot less then me.

On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 1:37 PM, t.piwowar <> wrote:

> Okay, so it is buzzword compliant. But how does it work in the real world?
> You don't know and I don't know. All I have to go on is the company's past
> track record of broken promises about security. All you have to go on is a
> list of buzzwords from their PR department and some limited personal
> testing. So all this proves is that your gullibility score is much higher
> than mine.
> On Jun 8, 2009, at 1:48 PM, Chris Dunford wrote:
>  Agreed, except that unless you have set yourself up to run as a
>>>> non-admin, Win7 is far more secure than XP out of the box.
>>> This is just advertising for a operating system that is still in
>>> beta. You have no way to know that it is true. Spouting such
>>> marketing blather reduces your credibility to zero.
>> Yeah,  XP doesn't have kernel patch protection, service
>> hardening, data execution prevention, address space layout randomization,
>> mandatory integrity levels, UAC, BitLocker, AppLocker, or DirectAccess.
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