It's probably better it isn't on his radar yet..we'd only have one channel
if left up to BHO.

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 9:05 AM, t.piwowar <> wrote:

> Don't fail to look after the Bush plan for converting to digital fire
> scheduled for next January. Some have said that doing so in the middle of
> Winter was a dumb idea, but Bush said "mission accomplished." I don't think
> it is on BHO's radar yet, with so many other crises to attend to. Try to
> order your fire converters early.
> On Jun 13, 2009, at 7:40 AM, Tony B wrote:
>> It *was* broke, now it's fixed. For a while, anyway. You wouldn't
>> really consider driving a 1940 model car today, would you? Your 'fire'
>> analogy is a really bad one because DTV is a set of standards, not a
>> universal chemical process.
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