On Jul 9, 2009, at 12:00 AM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system wrote:

Date:    Wed, 8 Jul 2009 19:46:59 -0700
From:    Jeff Miles <jmile...@charter.net>
Subject: What the ...

        Today I had some reason for creating a text document. I just recently
bought my new iMac 24" Intel. So I went to start Apple works. Nothing
there. When I first got the computer I loaded Office 08' because I had
it. Good thing.
        I checked my old install disks, couldn't find a thing. No Appleworks,
nothing like that. I did find something it wouldn't let me load
because the computer didn't support the OS 9 architecture. I looked at
iLife. I've got all that.
        So besides Textedit and Stickies, where the hell did and decent text
app go?

Jeff M

iLife is free. iWorks was $79 the last time I looked. It may be discounted with a new Mac. I'm surprised there's not a trial version on your machine. I have it and like it more than Office, but use Office of of habit most/all of the time.

David Newhall
Falls Church

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