At 2:24 PM -0400 7/10/09, David K Watson wrote:

If you had dug a little deeper, you would have found that Apple
EOLed AppleWorks two years ago.  The links on that page
are all for the updater, not AppleWorks itself.

Well, color me embarrassed! You're absolutely correct. I know that it has been discontinued. I had assumed (ass-u-me) that it was a complete download. My apologies. I will now go prepare a crow supper.

At 6:52 PM -0700 7/9/09, Jeff Miles wrote:

        You are quite right! I never really looked at it beyond it
opening "read me" files. Like I said, I don't do much text stuff
other then email.

If you had bothered to Google "Appleworks", you would have found that
it is available for free download at:
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