I think you missed my point. I've been to an Apple store and am an Apple fan, but the stores are boring. I love the clean sleek look of my iMac and how well all of my Macs and Apples have worked, but the stores were very disappointing. Maybe it's just me. I like a clean (somewhat) and orderly desk, and the iMac helps with that. But when I walk into a store I want to be dazzled. Apple stores don't do that. Their products do, but their stores don't. With my background I'd like to think I know something about advertising and initial impact on what could be costumers. Maybe if Apple had some of those lamps jumping around the store might add some excitement? Don't get me wrong. I love the product, but as far as their stores go, from the one I've seen, Apple needs to check it's idea on marketing, and maybe change the dress code.

Jeff M

On Jul 17, 2009, at 3:44 AM, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) wrote:

Okay, Jeff, here goes.  Apple generates lots of "excitement" at their
stores when they release a new product. People line up for the opening at their stores; that is consumer excitement. M$'s biggest "excitement" recently was when they reduced the advanced purchase of home versions of
Windows7 (feeling lucky?) by about 40% in the UK for a small number of
media-licenses so they could outsell Vista's advanced purchase.

Seriously, M$ is totally ignorant about marketing and will probably lose
huge chunks of cash trying to be Apple.  And I can't see people lining
up outside the M$ store.

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-----Original Message-----
        Maybe I haven't gone far enough through my email yet, but I
can't believe anyone has actually answered the "exciting" question yet.
We have several coffee shops in town that are causing a lot of
controversy. The coffee makers are all women and wear nothing but
lingerie. I don't have a problem with this, but some people do. And the
shops are quite busy.

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