t.piwowar wrote:
On Jul 19, 2009, at 8:14 AM, Jordan wrote:
But what is really sad is that so many people these days have lost their curiosity , and imagination.

Do you think Mac owners exhibit curiosity and imagination (creativity too) to a greater extent than PC owners? It seems like just about every time I see a computer on PBS' NOVA it is a Mac. Last night I had dinner with a NIH researcher and found out that they use Macs almost exclusively. The media industry uses Macs almost exclusively. PCs are most associated with people who work in cubicles or call centers -- the modern equivalent of galley slaves.

Besides what jeff "thinks", next they'll be saying it's product placement.

I'm sort of retired, so I don't see people in industry anymore, I just know people are happy not to have to deal with crashes, updates and other maintenance anymore.

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