
Note Dai Zovi admits to being a mac fanboy also.  Here is a relevant few
paragraphs.  I love at the end where he practically talks to Tom.  In all he
found the flaw friday morning, wrote the exploit in a couple hours and then
the exploit took seconds to take down the mac.

*At about 10 p.m., the New York City-based security expert sat down and
started looking in likely places for a serious bug that could satisfy the
challenge. Several months ago, he had done some poking around the Mac OS X's
operating system and applications looking for vulnerabilities and found a
few promising places in the software that could hide flaws, Dai Zovi said.
Checking the suspect code early Friday morning, Dai Zovi discovered a single

* "I only found one," he said. "But by later that morning, I had a working

* Despite their success, Dai Zovi and Macaulay are not maintaining that the
Mac OS X is any more or less secure than, say, a Windows Vista system or
some variant of Unix. While Macaulay uses a MacBook installed with Windows
Vista, Dai Zovi considers himself a Mac fanboy and uses Macs regularly. The
contest just shows that Mac users have to worry about vulnerabilities just
as much as other computer users, Dai Zovi said. It's a fact of life with
which all security experts are familiar, but to which some Mac users seem

* "It works. It is real. This is not something that I have made up," Dai
Zovi said. "It seems that a lot of people harbor the belief that the Mac
doesn't have these problems, but it does."*

On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 8:15 AM, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) <> wrote:

> Mike, can you defend this "couple of hours" with reference?  I recall
> reading that he spent several days or a few weeks finding the
> vulnerability and writing the exploit script before the Pwn2own
> competition (I searched, but found no reference to offer).
> Thank you,
> Mark Snyder
> -----Original Message-----
> Exactly.  He found the exploit and wrote it in a couple hours...took
> over the mac in about as much time as it takes to go to a web page.
> Same way most windows machines are taken over.
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