Steve - The same think happened to my friend Frank last year when he took his broken out-of-warranty PowerBook to the Apple Store. Apple didn't have the parts any more so they offered him a free MacBook Pro or a MacBook Air for $300. He owns an MBP so he got the MBA--and they eventually fixed his PowerBook too. He has three Mac notebooks now.

I had a pink Nano [named Floyd] that got wet and shorted out two weeks before the warranty was up last Summer. The Genius at the Apple Store replaced it with an identical Nano, no questions asked, even though wet iPods aren't covered anyway. My friend Helene brought her old graphite CRT iMac to the Apple Store in Delaware to get a new PRAM/BIOS battery. The almost-blind tech not only sold her a battery, he took her Mac apart, installed the battery, ran maintenance utilities, for only the cost of the battery, not the service.

These are not unusual for Apple.


This seems extreme even for Apple.  Why would they do something like this
outside the 1 year warranty or 3 year extended?  This seems more like a very
pleasant mistake on Apple's part then anything near the norm.  The times
I've dealt with Apple they have been fine, but not crazy like this seems to

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 3:22 PM, <>wrote:

 My example of exemplary support is when my 5 year old 17" Mac
PowerBook laptop died from a logic board failure.  This machine had
been purchased used from an individual and had no warranty whatsoever.
 I sent it to Apple for repair, and they informed me that a new logic
board would not be available for at least two weeks, maybe more.  They
asked me if I wanted to wait, and if not, they would give me a brand
new, latest model 17" MacBook Pro instead.  I accepted their offer and
they immediately shipped it to me free of charge.  They also sent me
my old machine, free of charge, so I could obtain whatever files were
still on the hard drive, and even paid for the shipping of that
computer back to them.


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