> Some people can't tell the difference and apparently you are one.

Oh, I can alright.  That's why my life is largely Apple free and will be so
for the foreseeable future.

I have plenty non-boutique products that don't cost me a chunk of my soul
and work great.  I just have to bear the crushing weight of the all cool
kids sneering at me.

> Crummy PC hardware, like M$ promotes through its advertising (Laptop
> Hunters, etc.) is just like pay-day loans. You pay every day through
> reduced productivity and you pay when its end-of-life comes much
> sooner than it would with good hardware.

You're so stuck in monolithic thinking, and god knows I've tried to help you
out of that before, but my empathy well has run dry for you on that matter.
Blissfully flail away.
> You call it frugal, I call it profligate.

My banker calls it smart.  He knows the value thinking outside the white

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